Category Archives: Commercial Property

Commercial Property

Lemon 75

Price reduced! This is the premier location from Abilene going east on I-20! Great frontage and this can be divided up with commercial on the frontage and residential on the back. Developers need to look at this location.

Large 75-acre ranch between Abilene and Clyde, TX, with good frontage on Interstate 20. This is a busy stretch with 20,000-30,000 cars and trucks per day, and ideas are endless for this location. Priced now at less than $1.38 per SF, and this can be divided up into combination commercial and residential uses. Contact listing agent Steve Sykes at (806) 679-2645, for more information.

733 Acres Callahan County


An amazing opportunity for home developers! A total of 733.42 acres in 3 parcels just west of Clyde, TX, within the ETJ or eligible to be in the ETJ. This is the high-traffic region of Interstate 20 east of Abilene, and in that 16-mile range to Clyde, the daily traffic count runs up to 40,000 vehicles per day.

Tract 1: 308.1 acres, accessing FM 603 to get to I-20; this acreage has already been annexed into the Clyde ETJ. This means developers can apply for utilities, and Clyde will provide them for your housing development. In the attached map, the parcel is outlined in red.

Tract 2: 369.73 acres, accessing FM 18, which will take you into Abilene or FM 603 to the interstate. This is eligible to apply for the Clyde ETJ and utilities, and the city has indicated its interest in annexing them. Developers need to go under contract and talk to the city. On the map, this is the parcel outlined in pink.

Tract 3: 55.69 acres, accessing Interstate 20. On the map, this is outlined in turquoise, and it is eligible to apply for the Clyde ETJ and their utilities, and the city has expressed interest in annexing. Developers need to go under contract and talk to the city.

This is quite an opportunity for speculators, home developers, big home builders, or anyone needing raw land to have in their inventory. The city of Clyde, TX, is aggressive in seeking new home buyers, and they have told Steve Sykes that they will be players for those tracts. Please call Steve Sykes at (806) 679-2645 and talk to him about these parcels of great-priced land! You can reach out to Steve Sykes for pricing.



605 Hunt Street Clyde Texas

Approximately 13.76 Acres Within the City Limits of Clyde, Tx, Just East of Abilene, Are for Sale Now. This is Platted for 45 Lots to Fit Mobile Homes or Houses, and City Utilities Are Available. Think of the Earnings on the Sale of Lots or the Establishment of a Mobile Home Park Just Off Interstate 20. This Has a High Traffic Count, and an Rv Park Could Also Work Here. Combine Lots to Make It a Gated Community.
for Just $750,000, Contact Listing Agent Steve Sykes at (806) 679-2645 or for More Information or to See the Property. if Someone Wants the Two Metal Buildings That Are Not Included, Then the Price Will Be $900,000. This is a Good Price for the Potential Income.

I-20 Frontage Rd Loves Place

Just East of Love’s Truck Stop in Baird, Tx, is This Land That Can Be Divided Into 10-acre Tracts. This Property Fronts on I-20 and Also on Hwy 283. This is Ranch Land That is Destined to Be Commercial or Residential Property. There Are No Utilities Here, but Proximity to City Limits Should Let That Happen. Call Steve Sykes at (806) 679-2645 for Showings and Information.


I-20 Frontage Rd Goat Place

A 7.36-acre Tract With 19 Slots for Mobile Homes in Baird, Tx. All Utilities Are Included in This Commercial Property, Just West of Downtown and Fronting Interstate 20 North. This Property is Ready to Go and Can Be Combined With the 1.64-acre Tract That It Adjoins for More Room and More Frontage. This 1.64-acre Tract is Priced at $111,444.00. a Great Deal for a Major Interstate Highway With Daily Traffic of 25,000 Cars or More. Call Steve Sykes at (806) 679-2645 for Showings.