38 Acres Bowie, Tx. Montague County

38 acres of land for sale on Butler Ranch Road, Bowie, Montague County, Tx. $152,00 @ $4,000 per acre.
Description: This property is mostly native grassland with some clusters of mesquite trees mostly on the north side. The land is higher in elevation than the property to the West and South showing a nice view of the landscape for about a mile. The fences are in good shape and considered to be above average. There is a valley that drops to about 12 feet at one point. This valley starts at the backside of the stock pond and the area formed by the run-off of water when the pond is full and the excess that goes around the spillway has formed a low valley that if a dam were built across it there would be two stock ponds on the property. There is a large cluster of plumb thickets on the property. It has just produced a large number of plums.
Surface water: This property has a stock pond of about half an acre that must be at least 10 ft deep in the center because it holds enough water to prevent it from going dry during the recent drought. The pond is also spring fed according to the owner. It does look clear and blue which is a good sign it is spring-fed. Have never seen muddy water in the pond. The pond had a large crop of bullfrogs in it this spring. I have only seen one snake in the pond since showing it and not seen any turtles.
Well water: There is no water well on the property but there is a well nearby on the 52 acres to the north. The well next door produces about 4-5 gallons of water a minute.
Utilities: There is an electric meter on the pole which is about 100 feet from the entrance to the property. This pole has a transformer on it.
Livestock: In the lane that travels west there is a small corral that the owner used for working cattle. It has a squeeze shoot to hold cattle while working them. This place has had cattle on it for the past few years but about 3 months ago the owner sold them. This has renewed the grass to its normal height of about 4-6 inches. The owner ran about 12-15 cows and calves on the 38 acres. He brought out a round bale about twice a month depending on how often it rained.
Wildlife: Whitetail deer usually cross the property especially when the owner’s friend kept his game feeder operating. Also a group of turkeys has at least 12 mature turkeys in it. Occasionally I have seen dove, coyote, bob cat but rarely see hogs. However, with a feeder operating game animals should come around as they did a few months ago.
Property taxes: This 38 acres is agriculture exempt. A great thing about this property is that the taxes should be between $30-$100 a year because of the exempt tax status. They were only $64 a year when the property was 52.9 acres. 14 acres was sold out of that tract so taxes should be less.
Advantages of owning this property are:
- The property taxes should be less than $64 a year
- Remote from housing- allows hunting and firing a gun in any direction
- Future investment since the area is now low population. In the future when population growth has moved north from Bowie this property will quickly increase in value in a normal economic growth period. 4. There is a chance to buy more land from the neighbors who have several hundred acres
- It is priced less per acre than other properties that are undeveloped in rural Montague County near Bowie, Texas
- There is already an electric meter on the property
- The stock pond is spring water.
- There is a large plumb thicket
- There are several deer and a large herd of turkey that roam the area
- The neighbors are friendly and are above average in their work income.
- The property is higher in elevation that most of the surrounding properties.
- The lane (road into the property) is 40 ft. wide (wider than the county road) and you would own it.
- The supervisor at the highway barn for the county says that he will be putting gravel on Butler Ranch Road, which will improve the value from that improvement.
- The installation of the bridge will be a good factor in increasing the value of this property.
Financing: Owner may finance with a large down payment.
Location: 33.685638, -97.974155
Directions from Bowie: This property is north of Bowie Texas as you travel north on hwy 81 eight miles to near Stoneburg Texas. Just before entering Stoneburg, FM 1806 crosses the highway. Turn West for one mile where you cross a bridge then immediately turn right onto Campbell road. Campbell road comes to a “T” then turn right onto Hopewell road and follow it as it curves to the left then travel for a mile. After crossing the bridge immediately turn right onto Butler Ranch Road, then travel north to cross the second cattle guard. At the top of the rise there is a big elm tree with an aluminum gate next to it. This is the entrance to the property.
Directions from Bellevue : Bellevue Texas is on Hwy 287 where all the businesses are on the west side of the highway. North of the convenient store a few feet and across the highway is Studdard road. Travel on Studdard road keeping to the right at the fork in the road then keep traveling and making the curves. At the farmhouse, which is at the fork in the road, turn right which is then Shoemaker road. Travel up Shoemaker road at least a mile and turn right onto Hopewell road. This road makes a couple of curves then turns east for maybe a quarter of a mile and then continue slowly when you see the bridge/creek ahead. Keep looking to the left for Butler Ranch Road. There is no sign. This is the only road that has a cattle guard at the entrance. Butler Ranch road is a maintained county road. Continue north crossing a second cattle guard. Next to the large elm tree is the aluminum gate to the property.