Deer, Birds & Recreation

Do you want to be a neighbor to the Matador Wildlife Management Area? LOOK no further because the Russell Ranch can be yours and the Matador Wildlife Management Area can be your neighbor!! Everybody is running around looking for big deer, deer population, quail, and turkey.
THIS place will give someone the opportunity to own a special property that only comes along once in a lifetime!
WILDLIFE consists of Whitetail deer, Mule deer, quail, turkey, hogs, and varmints.
Approximately 500 of the 715 acres are in the CRP program and will pay through 2022.
There are shelter belts and brush on the east and southeast. On the west side are shelter belts.
A water well and electricity are both in place and working.
Fences are good except on the north side.
The species of brush on the ranch include mesquite, shinnery, hackberry, hackberry, soapberry, and plum thickets.
Grasses include little bluestem, blackwell switch, indian grass, sideoats gramma, vine mesquite, and others.
Wind and water rights convey.
The Russell Ranch is north of Paducah, Texas approximately 7 miles on Highway 83 and then west approximately 2 miles on FM 3256.
Easy access with FM 3256 fronting part of the property.
Asking $925 perĀ acre.
Call Danny Havins at 940-839-5152 or email for your private showing!